How to find current DNS used


I am using the MKR1000 and would like to find out which DNS server is used in the WiFI class.
The WiFi library only has a call to set the DNS server but not to get it.

Is there a trick to do this?


Is there a trick to do this?

Is this a trick question? Why can't you remember what DNS server YOU told the class to use?

Is this a trick question? Why can't you remember what DNS server YOU told the class to use?

Why would I do that?

The standard example to open a connection will get the DNS via DHCP, right?
I am not using WiFi.config(), so which is used?

  // attempt to connect to Wifi network:
  while ( status != WL_CONNECTED) {
    Serial.print("Attempting to connect to SSID: ");

    status = WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
    Serial.print("Wifi Status:"); Serial.println(status);


I'd like to bring this question back to live. Same question in regards to NodeMCU:

In case I use DHCP to get TCP/IP settings, how do I read the assigned nameserver?

I use already:


but how do I read DNS?


Seems you are not alone. These questions are all over this forum but I have not found they are answered. I too am looking for how to "validate" what the current DNS server is assigned to the WiFi device.