How to fire a bare Midas - MDT0130A3IH-SPI TFT display up with Arduino UNO

Hello everyone,
I bought a display from Midas (link to spec. I want to fire it up by using the Arduino Uno board but the display came without any breakout/shield board, so it is a bare display.

Is there any shield board to make this display compatible with Arduino? I don't have the tools to make a PCB board for this so I am looking for a ready to use connectors or shield boards to connect this display to my Arduino.

If I solve this compatibility issue, then my second question would be whether if we can use ST7789V library for the ST7789V2 controller?

Thank you all in advance.

It has a ribbon cable. I'd email the supplier asking them if they have a solution for it.

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on the first question, to connect the display, you need only five resistors so as not to burn it. on the second question - yes, version 2 works with the library from Adafruit
PS f you need a test sketch for verification, I have it

I have sent an email but still waiting for a respond :confused:

My question was more about how I can connect this bare display directly with the Arduino board. Most of the example from the internet for other displays were included a shield/breakout board to make the display compatible with the Arduino. I am not sure if there is a Arduino suitable connector for this display because I couldn't find one. I am fairly new to Arduino :confused: and having hard time define which pins I should use. I know that I have to use power and ground pins and also SPI pins to communicate the display but other than that do I have to use all of the display pins? I can't connect this display directly because the pinout flexi is too small for me to work. I think I need a connector compatible with Arduino first. Don't you think?

this display is for a voltage of 3.3 volts, signal levels will have to be matched,it looks like you need an adapter.

Any recommendations?

that all of the above must be reccomended, especially for platinum

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