I have been trying to generate a PWM wave of 38 Khz (13 microsec= ON period , 13 microsec= OFF period). Currently I am using Timer 0 to generate the PWM wave , however i am confused as to how to prescale the 16Mhz input clock frequency so that i can get 38 Khz from it .
The code is as follows -
uint8_t dutycycle;
void pwm_init()
// Configure PB.7 as output pin
DDRB |= (1<<PB7);
DDRG |= (1<<PG5);
// Clear o/p on Match and Fast PWM Mode
TCCR0A |=(1<<COM0A1) | (1<<WGM01) | (1<<WGM00) | (1<<COM0B1);// COM0A1/0b1 are the ouput ports , and WGM01 and WGM02 are used for fast PWM mode
TCCR0B |=(1<<WGM02) | (1<<CS01);//WGM02 is used to set the fast pwm mode with max value stored in OCRA. CS01 is used to prescale the clock frequency to 16Mhz % 8 .
OCR0A = 52;
void dutycycleA(uint8_t dutycycle)
OCR0B = (dutycycle * 52)/100 ;
int main()
So , the code is supposed to keep checking the value of OCR0B with the timer value and if it is less than that , then the output is logic HIGH , and if it is same as the timer value , then it'll be logic LOW . the duty cycle is given as 50 so that a pulse waveform of 50% duty cycle is reached .
However I am unable to obtain 38Khz output .
Please help me figure out where I have gone wrong and also suggest corrections to my approach , if wrong .
Thank you .
PS - I am using Eclipse Neon platform.