I have a 2X 16 LCD Display fitted in my truck, it gives basically two Data, load in tons and speed,with the 4 selector switches to select the data streams and some other functions, I am able to get the pics of the display driver and the 6 pin connector connected to it from the machine.
I want to get the load data from the machine so that I can send it to Arduino cloud server.
How can I get the data from the pins connected to the LCD driver.
Methinks you need to get the service manual from the manufacturer.
You may be able to "sniff" information from the auxiliary RS-232 connector (the three pin Molex), but it may not output this continuously so you would have to know the protocol and in any case guess the baudrate. Try 9600 to start with - you have to figure out how to connect it to the RS-232 port on your PC, you should be able to figure that with a multimeter by seeing which pin is ground and then which puts out 12 V or so (positive or negative).
Again, really need the service manual from the manufacturer.
Thank You Very Much But it's very Difficult to get the manufacturer manuals, I do have the connector diagram
I was being a trifle subtle.
To stand any chance you need to connect an oscilloscope to each of the 4 data wires and work out the data rate and the communications method used. Once you have those then designing something to decode it should be possible, whether it's easy depends on your skill level.
If you can get oscilloscope traces and post them here then maybe I or someone else will recognise what you have. I don't see another way forward (unless you can get those manuals...).
Given that there is a Tx+, Tx-, Rx+ and Rx- it seems reasonable to assume that the method used is balanced.
I was suggesting that it may be more practical to see what can be found on the auxiliary RS-232 port - the three pin Molex connector. It is presumably intended for some sort of monitoring.
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