How to get the arduino header defination?

Hi, guys,

I meet one issue and need your help here.

Now I am designing the board, and I am naming the header signal, but I cannot get an official signal definition on this web site. Could you please let me where I can get it.

I got something I need from the following link, but it shows only two kind of headers.

Where can I get some material to know all kind of headers of arduino?


What is an "official signal definition"?

Do you mean you are looking for the pin mappings, from the chip pins to the Arduino board pins?

You say you're making a board. So which chip are you using, and which board do you want to copy?

Here's a bunch of Arduino board pinouts:
You can also get the pinout for any board by looking at the pins_arduino.h file found in the variant folder referenced in boards.txt.