I have been programming the ATMEGA 328 on using the arduino duemilanove over the past couple of months. I know the basics of it and have been even able to make a stand alone arduino 328 circuitry.
When we program using arduino board, we load the code into the chip using the USB port. The code is in C language like instructions which is a high level language. Now, I was wondering if there is any way for me to get the assembly level code of the program that is loaded into my chip.
For example, the LED blinking program that is commonly used, if I load that into my arduino and it runs .. now how do I get the assembly level code?
Typically assembly language will have instructions like MOV A,B or ADD A, #35 etc.. A and B are say some registers in my processor.
Does any one need how to do this?
I will need the assembly language code to put it in my project report hence I am looking for ways to get it.. please guide..