hi all, i've been posting here for the last 2 days. everytime i've posted, i've selected to notify me of replies and also to add the thread as my favorite. i am getting the notifications, however, which links do i click to get to see a list of my favorite threads? really, i'd just like to get a link to see my posts. is this possible?
when i try the search form, i can search for my own posts, but if i leave the keywords field empty, then the form validation complains. (and i don't have a good memory so i don't know what i wrote, especially since i'm just getting used to the vocabulary of programming ucontrollers).
You need to stumble into the "User Control Panel" part of the site. The only way I've found to get into that area is by clicking on the "Good evening , you have # messages..." at the very top of the site. The "# messages" is a link that drops you into a portion of the User CP. From there you can get to your posts under the View -> Posts tab on the left, and "View my last # posts".
At the main forum page go to the very bottom and find your name as logged in. Click on your name and at the bottom of the called page you can review your last XX posts.