Hi brother! need help to find the right Equation to get Velocity from the Accel sensor, I get linear Accel from the Accel sensor, which means hen sensor at rest ax = 0, ay = 0, az = 9.81 approx, so we need to remove gravity turms that's why I am confused. I found 2 different equations from ardupilot and other sources, please guide me!
I don’t know what all the variables are but an acceleration is expressed in ms-2 whilst a speed is expressed in ms-1
So for coherence any acceleration needs to be multiplied by something representing time (seconds) to get a speed.
The second expression looks suspicious because you have variable names (meassureAcc - accBias)that sounds like acceleration that would not be multiplied by dt which sounds like a delta T so a Time. But as we don’t know what rotMat_N_to_B and if they are the same thing in both, is, it’s hard to be 100% sure
Hi bro, velocity are 3 dim vector[x, y, z]
rotMat_N_to_B are the rotation matrix world frame to body frame.
meassureAcc are accel which i get from sensor [x, y,z] vector