So, I need to be able to press a button and for it to advance or decrease a variable by 1. But I need the code to pause while the button is pressed so that the same press is not counted multiple times. With what im trying right now, it halts the code but it never resumes after the button is released because the way im halting stops it from ever seeing that the button was released. Any suggestions?
int led1 = 13; // pin connected to led 1
int led2 = 12; // pin connected to led 2
int led3 = 11; // pin connected to led 3
int downButton = 7; // button used to decrease value
int upButton = 2; // button used to increase value
int ledValue = 0;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(led1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(downButton, INPUT);
pinMode(upButton, INPUT);
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(led1, LOW);
digitalWrite(led2, LOW);
digitalWrite(led3, LOW);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
if (ledValue == 1){
digitalWrite(led1, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(led1, LOW);
if (ledValue == 2){
digitalWrite(led2, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(led2, LOW);
if (ledValue == 3){
digitalWrite(led3, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(led3, LOW);
if (digitalRead(upButton) == 1){
ledValue = (ledValue + 1);
while(digitalRead(upButton) == 1) {
This project is not fully written out, I'm testing as I go, but it is meant to have 2 buttons which raise or decrease a number. That number in turn lights up an led corresponding to that number. Upon completion it will not be lighting up leds but turning on solenoids after passing through a circuit amplifying it to 12 volts instead of 5.
int led2 = 12; // pin connected to led 2
int led3 = 11; // pin connected to led 3
int downButton = 7; // button used to decrease value
int upButton = 2; // button used to increase value
int ledValue = 0;
int upButtonState = 0;
int lastUpButtonState = 0;
int downButtonState = 0;
int lastDownButtonState = 0;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(led1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(downButton, INPUT);
pinMode(upButton, INPUT);
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(led1, LOW);
digitalWrite(led2, LOW);
digitalWrite(led3, LOW);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
//read buttons
upButtonState = digitalRead(upButton);
downButtonState = digitalRead(downButton);
//compare buttonState to previous state
if (upButtonState != lastUpButtonState) {
// if state has changed changed ledValue
if (upButtonState == HIGH){
ledValue++; }}
if (downButtonState != lastDownButtonState) {
// if state has changed changed ledValue
if (downButtonState == LOW){
ledValue--; }
// print state
// save state for next round
lastUpButtonState = upButtonState;
lastDownButtonState = downButtonState;
if (ledValue == 1){
digitalWrite(led1, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(led1, LOW);
if (ledValue == 2){
digitalWrite(led2, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(led2, LOW);
if (ledValue == 3){
digitalWrite(led3, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(led3, LOW);
} ```
I remedied this, but am still having the same behavior.
int led1 = 13; // pin connected to led 1
int led2 = 12; // pin connected to led 2
int led3 = 11; // pin connected to led 3
int downButton = 7; // button used to decrease value
int upButton = 2; // button used to increase value
int ledValue = 0;
int upButtonState = 0;
int lastUpButtonState = 0;
int downButtonState = 0;
int lastDownButtonState = 0;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(led1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(downButton, INPUT);
pinMode(upButton, INPUT);
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(led1, LOW);
digitalWrite(led2, LOW);
digitalWrite(led3, LOW);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
//read buttons
upButtonState = digitalRead(upButton);
downButtonState = digitalRead(downButton);
//compare buttonState to previous state
if (upButtonState != lastUpButtonState) {
// if state has changed changed ledValue
if (upButtonState == HIGH){
ledValue++; }
lastUpButtonState = upButtonState;
if (downButtonState != lastDownButtonState) {
// if state has changed changed ledValue
if (downButtonState == LOW){
ledValue--; }
lastDownButtonState = downButtonState;
// print state
Serial.println("up Button");
Serial.println("down button");
if (ledValue == 1){
digitalWrite(led1, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(led1, LOW);
if (ledValue == 2){
digitalWrite(led2, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(led2, LOW);
if (ledValue == 3){
digitalWrite(led3, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(led3, LOW);
It either does delay for one micro second or it does not.
On uno it will likely delay for more than one micro second as the precision of delayMicrosecond is around 4 micro second.
Question remaining: is this OP's intention?
// LEDsControlledBySwitches.ino
// Version YY/MM/DD Comments
// ======= ======== ========================================================
// 1.00 22/08/12 Running code
const byte heartbeatLED = 13; //pin connected to heartbeat led
const byte led1 = 12; //pin connected to led 1
const byte led2 = 11; //pin connected to led 2
const byte led3 = 10; //pin connected to led 3
const byte downButton = 7; //button used to decrease value
const byte upButton = 2; //button used to increase value
byte upButtonState = 0;
byte lastUpButtonState = 0;
byte downButtonState = 0;
byte lastDownButtonState = 0;
int ledValue = 0;
//timing stuff
unsigned long heartbeatMillis;
unsigned long switchMillis;
// s e t u p ( )
void setup()
pinMode(heartbeatLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(downButton, INPUT);
pinMode(upButton, INPUT);
digitalWrite(led1, LOW);
digitalWrite(led2, LOW);
digitalWrite(led3, LOW);
} //END of setup()
// l o o p ( )
void loop()
//********************************* heartbeat T I M E R
//is it time to toggle the heartbeatLED ?
if (millis() - heartbeatMillis >= 500ul)
//restart this TIMER
heartbeatMillis = millis();
//toggle the heartbeatLED
digitalWrite(heartbeatLED, !digitalRead(heartbeatLED));
//********************************* checkSwitches T I M E R
//is it time to check the switches ?
if (millis() - switchMillis > 50)
//restart this TIMER
switchMillis = millis();
} //END of loop()
// c h e c k S w i t c h e s ( )
//this function is called every 50ms, this effectively de-bounces the inputs
void checkSwitches()
//********************************* u p B u t t o n
upButtonState = digitalRead(upButton);
//was there a change in the switch state ?
if (upButtonState != lastUpButtonState)
//update to the new state
lastUpButtonState = upButtonState;
//if state has changed, change ledValue
if (upButtonState == PUSHED)
if (ledValue > 3)
ledValue = 3;
Serial.print("ledValue = ");
} //END of upButton
//********************************* d o w n B u t t o n
downButtonState = digitalRead(downButton);
//was there a change in the switch state ?
if (downButtonState != lastDownButtonState)
//update to the new state
lastDownButtonState = downButtonState;
//if state has changed, change ledValue
if (downButtonState == PUSHED)
if (ledValue < 1)
ledValue = 1;
Serial.print("ledValue = ");
} //END of downButton
} //END of checkSwitches()
// u p d a t e L E D s ( )
void updateLEDs()
//using switch/case might be a more effective way of doing the following
if (ledValue == 1)
digitalWrite(led1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(led1, LOW);
if (ledValue == 2)
digitalWrite(led2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(led2, LOW);
if (ledValue == 3)
digitalWrite(led3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(led3, LOW);
} //END of updateLEDs()