How to hand float over another Arduino?

Hi, I'm a beginner. Now I want an Arduino(Master) to hand float over another Arduino(Slave) using I2C. For some reason, I can't make it. Please tell me any source to archive this.

For your information my Sketches are like this but it's crap :frowning:

(The basic idea is to split float into 4byte and send them all. Then slave get them together.)

AGAIN, you not necessarily need to fix my code. I just want any code to archive this: An Arduino(Master) to hand float over another Arduino(Slave)

Thank you. Much love

volatile float test=0.0;

#include <Wire.h>

volatile uint8_t data[4];

void setup() {


void loop() {

  Wire.requestFrom(8, 2);
  uint8_t i=0;
  while (Wire.available()){
  test= (float)( data[0]  | data[1]  | data[2]  | data[3] );

#include <Wire.h>
float test = 900;

void setup() {



void loop() {


void requestEvent() {

byte data[4];
data[0] = byte(test);
data[1] = byte(test >> 8);
data[2] = byte(test >> 16);
data[3] = byte(test >> 24);
Serial.write(data, 4);


This library may be of interest: GitHub - nickgammon/I2C_Anything: Arduino library to simplify reading/writing to I2C

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Why do you sending 4 bytes, but requesting only two?

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I spotted the error already. As a beginner you should not be using multiple Arduino in any project. It is almost never a good solution. Only an expert will know when it's a good solution, and it is not very often.

Please explain why you think it is a good idea to use 2 Arduino.

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Perhaps this is not a real project, but only training. It's very interesting - to make two arduinos communicate with each other

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This is your next problem (After requesting 4 bytes)

When you're sure the 4 bytes are in the correct order, you can use something like
memcpy(&test, data, 4);

c/c++ provides a union to interpret the same memory area in different ways,
although officially undefined behaviour, this works as well on all Arduino hardware.


memcpy send memcpy

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Shifting works for integers but not so much for floats.

One way to do it is by making your 'float' look like a byte array. Actually: make a pointer to your float (&temp) look like a pointer to a byte array.

void requestEvent() 
  byte *data = (byte *) &temp;  // Point 'byte' pointer at the 'float'.
  Serial.write(data, sizeof temp); // Send the bytes

On the requesting side:

  byte *data =  (byte *) &temp;  // Point 'byte' pointer at the 'float' 
  Wire.requestFrom(8, sizeof temp);
  for (int i=0; i< sizeof temp; i++)
    data[i] =;
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