I'm working on an Arduino project where I am turning a servo motor to follow an IR light. I have looked for sensors and I have found IR sensors that I like. The only problem is that I don't know how to have the sensors and Arduino analyze where the light is at and move to face it. Any help you can give me is appreciated. Also, I have decided on this, but I feel like there may be a better and easier way. If you know one, please let me know. Thanks
I did a similar thing with visible light. I had an LDR mounted on the servo horn, but it didn't analyse where the light was, it just hunted back and forth until it was in the light then stopped.
Code for that was trivial: if the LDR reading is above some value, move; else don't.
Hello jreeve17!
if you still interesting this project, then we could discuss. I've doing similar with my son. There are IR transmitter 10kHz and IR receiver at the servo platform. Project at the middle stage.
Thanks and Regards,