How to install the Leonardo?

Good afternoon!
Risently I bought the Leonardo. Before that, I used Nano with the CP340 driver. Everything worked.

IDE with the Leonardo does not see my COM7. How to install it? Do I need some driver ? Someone advised to switch the Reset and GND while uploading. It didn't help at all. Any ideas?

What does Windows device manager say when you connect your board? Further, if COM7 was your Nano, it will more than likely not be your Leonardo.

A common reason why a board with microUSB connector is not recognised is the use of a charge-only cable (those that come with e.g. a power bank). Try a different cable that is known to be a good sync cable; if you have a cell-phone with microUSB, use the cable that came with it that allows you to e.g. download photos fromthe phonew to the PC.

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Windows does not respond at all. The Device Manager does not see any new device on COM7.

Of course I use the same cable and the same COM7 port as for the Nano.
Only I'm not connecting the power connector to the Leonardo yet. Micro-USB cable only.

In which case COM7 is not your Leonardo.

A Leonardo has a microUSB, a standard Nano (and most nano clones) have miniUSB. So "of course" is not applicable :wink:

As said, it more than likely is not COM7.

What happens when you press and release the reset button on the Leonardo (you might have to double tap instead of press/release)? Does the L LED fade in and out for approx. 8 seconds? If yes, what does Windows device manager say while the L LED is fading?

I tried all COM ports. Window says it can't find driver for Leonardo.
I tap the Reset button and L LED fade for 8 sec. After that it flickers

At least the bootloader is OK. What does "flicker" mean? One second on, one second off?

How many do you have? Take a step at a time.

  1. Disconnect all boards.
  2. Check device manager; this should more or less be what it shows. COM1 is a default Windows port (on my system).
  3. Connect the Leonardo. I understand that you don't get this but below is what it should look like.
    And when you reset the board

Which version of Windows? Which version of the IDE?

Drivers should be in one of below directories on your system. If Windows can't find them, you can install them manually.

  1. C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\drivers
  2. C:\Users\yourUsername\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\hardware\avr\1.8.5\drivers
  1. 4 ports on the back and 2 on the front
  2. Device Manager sees only COM1 defaulf
  3. Device Manager sees Leonardo sa Another device but Not connected icon
  4. Windows7
  5. IDE 2.0.0.-rc3
    6.It is weird that I cannot find any folders named .../drivers folder. CH340 is located just in C:\Arduino\CH340G

I tried another laptop windows 10. The port is found there!!! Maybe the case in W7 ?

Ah, that's what you meant. I thought you were referring to COM1 ... COM9999.

I'll have to chew a little on the info and no access to a PC at this moment.

Have a look where the drivers arte located on your Win10 PC and copy them to somewhere on your Win7 PC; location is not really relevant. Next you should be able to install them.

It is working now. My IT guru helped me. But thank you for support.
Unfortunately I have burned my 2 Nano :frowning:

Great. Can you post the solution?

I did not understand fully. I think the proper driver location on my computer.

If you have official Arduino Leonardo, then use the new IDE 2.0 and a good data USB cable, the IDE will auto detect it when you connect it to your computer.

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