How to interface module on other board with mega board


I have arduino mega and pic dave board. i want to interface the modules available on the pic board like rtc, eeprom with Arduino mega

Is it possible if i remove pic controller from pic board and rtc interface module with Arduino mega?

Buy modules separately.

Each of the modules has a header by which to connect it to the PIC. Connect the headers to the Arduino instead using the schematics that you linked to for a guide.

i don't want to buy separate model if i can use the available model on board with arduino

Should the ground of both the boards have to make a common ground?

Good point. Yes. Some of the headers have grounds. Some of the modules will need power, too. Perhaps use the power supply on the PIC board.

How to use RTC module on the board?

I use a 12V adapter to supply power to PIC board, and i provide a 5V supply from my laptop to an Arduino board

Connect Mega ground to the PIC board ground. Connect module SDA to pin 20 of the Mega, connect module SCL to Mega pin 21. Keep the wires between the module and the Mega as short as possible. The 10K internal pullup resistors on the Mega I2C pins may be sufficient, but if there is trouble with communication, try adding a 4.7K from SDA to Vcc and SCL to Vcc to strengthen the pullup.

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