How to Intergrate RFID with camera and Arduino Board


I am recently working on a project about agriculture, I wanna integrate Rfid with camera that is connected through a drone so whenever the drone passes across the farm it's capture picture whenever someone or anything strange is in the farm and send message/alert to the phone... So I need help on how to start and connect..

Welcome to the forum.

So where does the RFID fit into this? :thinking:

As a first step, just try getting RFID alone working on the Arduino - there are plenty of examples & tutorials on this.

What is your level of experience with electronics & programming?

What Arduino(s), camera, etc are you planning to use?

Hi! Welcome to the arduino community! First of all, if you want to transmit data from a microcontroller to another, I would like you to consider nRF or RF modules(radio frequency ), instead of Rfid. Or, if you want to transmit specifically to a smartphone, I would recommend something like a GSM module to directly send a SMS to the phone. For the camera part, I think you should use arducam modules/ OV7670 something like that, if you are using a standalone microcontroller like Arduino Uno. But why go through the complicated path? I think for your needs, ESP32-CAM , a board with both camera and wireless(wifi + bluetooth) capabilities WILL BE CERTAINLY MORE BEGGINER FRIENDLY. However, if you still want long range communication directly between smartphone and your prototype, go with gsm module.
Reference links-
(None are sponsored. I find them useful for this purpose.)
(All about ESP32 Camera Module - Robocraze)
how-to-use-ov7670-camera-module-with-arduino- circuitdigest.
About nRF communication- last minute engineers
How to use GSM module with arduino-Robo craze
And, yes as @awneil , I also want to ask, why RFID? :thinking:

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I've move your topic to Project Guidance....I couldn't see anything in the text related to IDE 1.x.


Thanks i will work on it..

I decide to use it because i thought it's the only components that can detect and objects when seen....

If u want a even better control- connect the project to anywhere around the world , you can opt for cloud service providers, especially like arduino cloud
It can enable u to connect and gather real time data from your model from anywhere around the world

no problem

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