How to know the address of image taking by ArduCam


I am taking pictures by using ArduCam OV5642 Plus and ESP8266 board.

As I know that, the captured image is stored/saved in SD card, and I can display the image in home page like this.

But my question is, how can I display all the images I took. OR even how can I know the address of the image I took. I need the address of the stored image so I can use it in my face recognition program.

As I said I can display the last image I took on the home page, so I tried to right click on the image to get its address, this is the address I got

and when I put this address in URL, it doesn't send me to the image, it just capture new image.

Any idea?

Any idea?

Must be something in your code...

Most likely, your server is ignoring the client request, assuming that any client connection means "take another picture".

If we could see your code, then maybe we could help.

Images do not have addresses. When stored on an SD card, they have names.