Hi all.
I am making a fish tank controller and would like some advice on how to put it all together, as in linking all of the shields/boards in.
I will have the following:
1x Mega Board
1x Tiny RTC clock board
1x Unknown 3.6" LCD touchscreen shield
2x 4 way relay switch boards
I plan on making a box for the Mega, the RTC and the screen but am thinking its probably best to have the screen not physically plugged into the Mega, say for example have the Mega on the bottom of the box and then have the screen about 3 inches away tilted up at a 80% angle for easy use and viewing. That way I can get to all of the pins to plug in the RTC and the relay boards.
The relay boards I was planning on fitting inside they're on electrical box and connecting them with their own 5v power supply and just have the switching cables run to it through some network cable using ethernet plugs (so I can detach if needed)
Does this sound ok to everyone?
The second part of my question I will probably post elsewhere as it is a little different. Will come back and post link to it shortly.