How to make 4 outputs show Gray code?[Solved]

I have an AS5045 magnetic rotation sensor. It provides 12-bit position data plus 6 status bits.
I can read the 18 bits into variable "packeddata".
I can use a mask and right shift 6 digits to dump the status bits.
I can right shift 8 digits to get a 4-bit binary position code.(Except that leading zeros disappear.)
If I knew how to paste the 4 bits into separate variables I could use XOR to turn the binary code into Gray code.
Please can someone tell me how to fill 4 variables with the bits from the 4-bit word in "angle", and suggest how to deal with the missing leading zeros. Here is amended code from Mad Scientist site.

const int ledPin = 13; //LED connected to digital pin 13
const int clockPin = 7; //output to clock
const int CSnPin = 6; //output to chip select
const int inputPin = 2; //read AS5040

int inputstream = 0; //one bit read from pin
long packeddata = 0; //two bytes concatenated from inputstream
long angle = 0; //holds processed angle value
long anglemask = 262080; // 0x111111111111000000: mask to obtain first 12 digits with position info
int shortdelay = 100; // this is the microseconds of delay in the data clock
int longdelay = 2000; // this is the milliseconds between readings

void setup()
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // visual signal of I/O to chip
  pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT); // SCK
  pinMode(CSnPin, OUTPUT); // CSn -- has to toggle high and low to signal chip to start data transfer
  pinMode(inputPin, INPUT); // SDA

void loop()
// CSn needs to cycle from high to low to initiate transfer. Then clock cycles. As clock goes high
// again, data will appear on sda
  digitalWrite(CSnPin, HIGH); // CSn high
  digitalWrite(clockPin, HIGH); // CLK high
  delay(longdelay);// time between readings
  digitalWrite(CSnPin, LOW); // CSn low: start of transfer
  delayMicroseconds(shortdelay); // delay for chip initialization
  digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW); // CLK goes low: start clocking
  delayMicroseconds(shortdelay); // hold low
  for (int x=0; x <18; x++) // clock signal, 18 transitions, output to clock pin
    digitalWrite(clockPin, HIGH); //clock goes high
    delayMicroseconds(shortdelay); //
    inputstream =digitalRead(inputPin); // read one bit of data from pin
    packeddata = ((packeddata << 1) + inputstream);// left-shift to put next digit into next position
                                                   // word length 12 + 6 status bits.
    digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW);
    delayMicroseconds(shortdelay); // end of one clock cycle
// end of entire clock cycle

  angle = packeddata & anglemask; // mask rightmost 6 digits of packeddata to zero, into angle.
  angle = (angle >> 6); // shift 18-digit angle right 6 digits to form 12-digit value
  angle = (angle >> 8);

  Serial.println(angle, BIN); 

  angle = angle * 22.5; // *360/16
  Serial.print("angle: "); 
  Serial.println(angle, DEC);

  packeddata = 0; // reset both variables to zero so they don't just accumulate
  angle = 0;

I can right shift 8 digits to get a 4-bit binary position code.(Except that leading zeros disappear.)

No, they don't. They just aren't printed. Because they don't mean anything.

If I knew how to paste the 4 bits into separate variables

bitRead() and bitWrite().

and suggest how to deal with the missing leading zeros.

They aren't missing.

Thank You. Problem solved.

Are you sure you need to split the bits out? How about:

unsigned int binaryToGray(unsigned int num)
        return (num >> 1) ^ num;