How to make a home automation device with nodemcu and arduino uno in serial?


My plan is to make a home automation device which will use 6 relays, 6 physical switches, 1 dht sensor, 1 pir motion sensor. The nodemcu doesn't have enough pins for these stuff. So, I want to add an arduino uno for extending the pins. I also need remote access.

Please help me regarding the software and the code. Thanks in advance.

Double controllers equals quadruple trouble. Is the nodemcu a 5 volt I/O device? If not signals **from the UNO ** need voltage adjustment via levelshifter or resistors.
Look up what voltages and currents the project needs.
Start by making code for one periferal. When it works, add the next I/O device.
Figure out what the intercontroller model should look like.

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Instead of a second microcontroller, consider using pin expander IC like MCP23017 or MCP2309. You can also get these in SPI flavors like MCP23S017 and MCP23S09


I recommend that you post an annotated schematic of what you want to build, we will be happy to check it out and probably save you some money on items you do not need.

Thanks @Railroader

Thanks @Delta_G

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