how to make a program the uses a RF Development Tools RF Receiver Toggle Type

Hello people!!! it has been a while since I have coded something and I have recently undertaken a new project and I don't know where to start I bought all of the components but I do not know how to use code to fit them all together. For the project to be more handsfree, I got an RF Development Tools RF T4 Receiver Toggle Type from Adafruit along with a remote to control it. The plan that I have for this project is to use the receiver as a way of toggling between different features off of my microcontroller. I would really be happy if someone could give me an idea on how to get started and maybe where I can go from there.

p.s. Here are some of the links of the components that I got if that will be able to help you help me in any way.

it has been a while since I have coded something and I have recently undertaken a new project and I don't know where to start I bought all of the components but I do not know how to use code to fit them all together.

How about you start with some capital letters at the start of sentences and some punctuation between sentences?

Here are some of the links

I clicked on those "links". Nothing happened.

If you really expect people to click links, you'll learn how to make them links. It's not the slightest bit difficult.

And, you'll make them links to manufacturers sites, NOT reseller sites.

I got an RF Development Tools RF T4 Receiver Toggle Type from Adafruit

While a lot of Adafruit's code sucks, they DO provide libraries for almost everything they sell, and pretty detailed instructions and examples.