Hello everyone I would like to have a dynamic string however I have the following error I would like to know someone who has already had this type of error
here is the code below
String numberRandom = String(random(0,4));
String currentPathDescription = String("quotes/" + numberRandom + "/description");
String currentPathTitle = String("quotes/" + numberRandom + "/title");
if(dataDay != day(unix_epoch) && dataMonth != month(unix_epoch) && dataYear != year(unix_epoch)){
String numberRandom = String(random(0,4));
dataDay = day(unix_epoch);
dataMonth = month(unix_epoch);
dataYear = year(unix_epoch);
String description=String(Firebase.getString(fbdo,F(currentPathDescription))?fbdo.to<const char*>):fbdo.errorReason).c_str());
String title=String(Firebase.getString(fbdo,F(currentPathTitle))?fbdo.to<const char*>):fbdo.errorReason).c_str());
here is the error