How to make a USB soft (web)camera router?

Curious if anyone might have some suggestions for required hardware / components for this little beastie. Currently Apple sandboxes certain apps such as Facetime on macOS such that you cannot use other non-hardware based webcam sources that are very useful in various ways. One example is using an app like ManyCam to facilitate switching inputs, presenting text and other images.

I'd like to develop a USB "dongle" that has a USB input cable and a USB output cable that will accept any input and then emit an output USB signal that perfectly emulates any webcam that is acceptable by macOS as an input for video such that Facetime can use this for a webcam source.

Any thoughts on what I might need or use in this scenario as far as hardware goes? Software suggestions are also welcome, but the biggest hurdle initially to start playing is to get the proper hardware in place to see where to go from there.

I don't know but the "regular Arduino" isn't fast enough to process video. It might be useful as a master controller with the actual video flowing through other specialized chips.

Or maybe one of the more powerful Arduino's can do it.

Since you appear to require a USB "host", I would recommend starting with a Raspberry Pi.

And mentioning video, you have already excluded a lot of Arduinox.

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