I have piezo speakers (different sizes)+ lots of resistors +..
- Arduino 2009 Duemilanove ATMEGA168 Board
- 16x2 HD44780 White character & Blue BL LCD
- 400 Points Breadboard
- 70 pcs Breadboard Wire
- 24C16 - 2K I2C CMOS Serial EEPROM
- DS1307 - 64 x 8, Serial, I2C Real-Time Clock
- 32.768KHz Crystal For DS1307
- 74HC595 - 8-bit serial-in, serial or parallel-out shift register with output latches
- LM324 - Low Power Quad Operational Amplifier
- LM386 - Low voltage audio power amplifier
- ULN2003 - 7 channel high current darlington array
- 3mm Red LED x 5, Green LED x 5, Yellow LED x 5
- 5 x Red Mini Push Button Momentary Switch
- 5 x Black Mini Push Button Momentary Switch
- Proto & Servo Shield ProtoShield PCB For ARDUINO
Can i make sound that sounds like piano key note for example, or anything that isn't pii pipi pii mm pii? (square wave sound i mean)
I'm quite ok in coding as I use c for years, but i lack knowledge in electronics (all but basics, i also know what is sound from the physics) if that helps