I have RFID connected with Arduino uno and I want every time I am scan the card will send the rfid number to windows VB.NET with serial connection. I can do this and i achieved it but I don't want every time scan send i want just when serial is established will scan and send.
Ho can I achieve this case
my code is:
#include <SPI.h>
#include <MFRC522.h>
#define SS_PIN 10
#define RST_PIN 9
MFRC522 mfrc522(SS_PIN, RST_PIN); // Create MFRC522 instance.
#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo1; // create servo object to control a servo
Servo myservo2;
Servo myservo3;
void setup()
myservo1.attach(1); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object
SPI.begin(); // Initiate SPI bus
mfrc522.PCD_Init(); // Initiate MFRC522
Serial.begin(9600); //begins serial communication
void loop()
// Look for new cards
if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_IsNewCardPresent())
// Select one of the cards
if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_ReadCardSerial())
//Show UID on serial monitor
byte letter;
for (byte i = 0; i < mfrc522.uid.size; i++)
Serial.print(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i] < 0x10 ? " 0" : "");
Serial.print(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i], HEX);
The Arduino has no idea if there is anything listening to the serial port, unless that listener tells it that it is listening.
So, your VB app will need to send "Hey, I care about RFID data", or something easier to parse, and the Arduino will need to read what the app sends, and take appropriate action.
I used this code and worked with Arduino serial but still not with VB ?
Serial.begin(9600); //begins serial communication
SPI.begin(); // Initiate SPI bus
mfrc522.PCD_Init(); // Initiate MFRC522
Serial.available() returns the number of bytes in the incoming serial data buffer that can be read().
It tells you nothing about whether there is anything on the other end of the serial port.
What you are asking for is impossible. A radio station broadcasts. The operators have no way of knowing whether anyone is listening. Unless they solicit input AND the listener(s) care to respond.
The Arduino sends data out the serial port, or not, without caring whether anyone is listening, or not.