How to make tags for HMI screen from arduino program in .XML format

is there any posibility to make xml files from arduino program. i want to make tags for my HMI screen from arduino program , i tried with xml writer library , but when i am trying to upload my tags to HMI screen it is showing no tags added. i am using EXOR eSMART 107 HMI , is there any other options to make tags from arduino program that can be imported to HMI screen,
i am using JMobile software for programming HMI screen.
my project : turning on/off led connected to my arduino from my HMI screen , commands are sending from HMI screen via Modbus TCP protocol. Button assigned in HMI screen for on/off led , while pressing HMI button led should be on.

XML is just text formatted in the right way. If you know what the XML should look like for your screen definition, just create the right text file.

the xml writer library can help you build the text buffer but it needs to match the expected specification

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Sure it's possible - but an Arduino really isn't a great platform for this.

Surely, would be easier to do on a PC?

As @J-M-L said. it's just plain text.

Many programmer's editors "understand" XML; eg, Notepad++ ...

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thank you for the replay

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