How to make the GPS output print in the web server of ESP8266-01

The output displayed on the serial monitor

(edited version 2)

// I am not familiar on how it will be called in the web server of ESP8266-01
// I got the sensors data and displayed on the web server but I can't proceed because of having no idea
on displaying the data of the gps location coming from the serial monitor
//see the files for source code
// I installed the NeoGPS and got new result but it's still more likely need to be fix

code outpt.txt (4.57 KB)

SERIAL monitor.txt (714 Bytes)

use a library. try NeoGPS

I already tried it. Displays the same output, there is a quite simple changes but we're not sure how to use it as data to display on the web server.

I can't proceed because of having no idea on displaying the data of the gps location coming from the serial monitor

The GPS will need to get a fix before there is any GPS lopcation data to display.

Hm I see, so the output I shared is still in the process that's need to be fix. Okay, but do you have any idea on how I will get another step to progress my problem?

Hm I see, so the output I shared is still in the process that's need to be fix.

Yes it has no fix.

Did you do any research as to what the typical output of a GPS should be ?

If your going to use these bits of technology its really helpful to understand how they work.

Bianca, "fix" is when it can see a required number of GPS satellites

@srnet, The output should be a coordinates of the location namely latitude and longitude. Also optionally with time. @Juraj, yes sir you're right hmm I need to learn more hehe

Maybe the wiring is the mistake here because I connect the GPS module(VCC) in 3.3V but when I connect it to 5V there's changes. The problem is that even the GPS light blink it will just blink for just 1 second then disappear. Should I solder it? I'm using breadboard.