I have a code that I need to be run once only if user presses the button, and after depending on the array generated randomly AD9850 will generate pulses with different frequencies.
String after[4];
String before[]={"1000","0100","0010","0001"};
uint8_t array_size = sizeof(before) / sizeof(before[0]);
int LED=13;
int btn=5;
int btn_state;
void setup() {
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(btn, INPUT_PULLUP);
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
// ---Pick a random array element.---
uint8_t pick = random(0, array_size);
// ---Display the value.---
// ---Assign the values to after[] array---
// ---Overwrite with the last element of the array.---
before[pick] = before[array_size - 1];
// ---Reduce the array size to be selected.---
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
for (String element : after)
void loop() {
The problem is that I can not acces thhe array in loop() function, or in any other function as it is a local variable. My "circuit" is here (sorry for simplicity):
So when the button is pressed random array is generated and displayed on OLED menu, also pulses are generated by AD9850 and with encoder I can change the interval between different LFM pulses.
Thanks in advance.
String after[4];
String before[]={"1000","0100","0010","0001"};
uint8_t array_size = sizeof(before) / sizeof(before[0]);
int LED=13;
int btn=5;
int btn_state;
but i need this array after being mixed, after this code:
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
// ---Pick a random array element.---
uint8_t pick = random(0, array_size);
// ---Assign the values to after[] array---
// ---Overwrite with the last element of the array.---
before[pick] = before[array_size - 1];
// ---Reduce the array size to be selected.---
before for loop the array before[] is like a sequence for ex. [1,2,3,4] is global, after for loop it becomes mixed for ex. [3,1,2,4] only inside setup() function. I need [3,1,2,4], not [1,2,3,4]. But in loop() function whenever I serial print before[] array, it prints [1,2,3,4].