how can i open following .pde file of aurduino.
Its aurduino file,
how can i open following .pde file of aurduino.
Its aurduino file,
You are asking on an Arduino forum how to open an Arduino file. I'm amazed.
It's just a plain text file. With the Arduino IDE (downloadable from you can edit, compile and transfer them to the Arduino boards.
Actualy , i use avr studio ? please suggest?
shall i use aurduino IDE
Any text editor will do. I find word pad is better than note pad because the line ends are correct.
On the Mac you can use TextEdit, or any of the editors in the Xcode tool set.
Actualy , i use avr studio ?
Is that a question or a statement?
Have you successfully opened other Arduino sketches using avr studio? If so, why can't you open this one that way? If not, why is this one expected to work?
shall i use aurduino IDE
Hmmm. Let's think about this for a minute. Yes.
yes wordpad worked. thanks
Hi Guleria.
I'm the owner of the blog where you've found that script
If you are using AVR Studio, I would recommend you just to use a regular text editor (like Notepad or Wordpad) to open the PDE file.
Then copy the code into AVR Studio, and remember to include the correct files (and write the main loop), as the Arduino IDE does this automatically in the compiling process.
Best Regards
Thomas Jespersen
notepad++ is a free editor, does syntax hightlighting, can open multiple files in tabs, line numbering etc. There are many more good editors but I like this one (today