Hello All,
Well, this is my first post, and English is not my mother language so please forgive me if i made lot of mistakes.
I was trying to make a Running Hour monitoring for my house water pump, but still lack of programming skill, and i thought the best approach is to start from example, figuring how it work, and try to modify it to meet my purpose, one function at a time.
So i start from Library Example made by XbergCode and modifying the Start/Stop Counting Time using switch.
but here's my problem start: when i turn off the switch the time wasn't paused, instead it continue to count in the background and when i turn the switch back ON, the value printed in Serial Monitor was kinda "jumped"
heres the code (my modification is only in void runTheCountUp1() under // Simulate Something Turning On / Off)
// FILE: MillisCounter_Up.ino
// AUTHOR: XbergCode
// VERSION: 1.0.0
// PURPOSE: Arduino library to count up and down time using the millis() function.
// URL: https://github.com/XbergCode/MillisCounter
// Millis Counter Library
#include <MillisCounter.h> // Millis Counter Library
MillisCounter countUp; // Set The Call Name
// Global Time String
//char countUp_Str[38] = "No Time"; // 100.Y, 10.M, 10.D, 10.h, 10.m, 10.sec = 37.Characters
void setup() {
pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);
Serial.begin(115200UL); // Start The Serial
delay(500); // Give Serial Time To Wake Up
Serial.println(F("\nSketch Purpose: Millis Counter.")); // Serial Print Sketch Purpose
Serial.print(F("Version: "));
// Run Count Up Timer
bool runTheCounter = true; // Bool For The Counter Status
countUp.getCountUp(); // Run The Counter
delay(412UL); // Delay For Some Time
Serial.println(countUp.getCountUp()); // Print The Count Up Time
countUp.reset(); // Reset The Counter
runTheCounter = countUp.isRunning(); // Get And Set The Counter Running Status
Serial.print(F("Counter Bool State: ")); // Serial Print Counter State
if (runTheCounter) Serial.println(F("On.")); // Counter Is On
else Serial.println(F("Off.")); // Counter Is Off
void loop() {
// Count Up
runTheCountUp1(); // Run The Count Up Function
// runTheCountUp2(); // Run The Count Up Function
// runTheCountUp_Custom(); // Get The Count Up Time - Make Custom Output String
delay(10); // Slow Down A Bit
// Count Up Function 1 - Max: 4294967295.sec = 136.years, 70.days, 6.hours, 28.min, 15.sec (49710.days)
void runTheCountUp1() { // Run The Count Up Function
// Local Variables
MillisCounter countUp1; // Set The Call Name
const uint32_t MILLIS = millis(); // Get The Millis Once Per Run
char countUp_Str[38] = "Empty"; // Local Buffer For The Time String
// Simulate Something Turning On / Off
static bool runTheCounter = false; // Start/Stop The Counter
// Turning Counter On / Off
if (digitalRead(2) == HIGH) { // Switch OFF Position
runTheCounter = false; // Stop the Counter
if (digitalRead(2) == LOW) { // Switch ON Position
runTheCounter = true; // Counter Is Off - Start The Counter
// Get And Print The Time
const uint32_t Function_Time = 1000UL; // Run The Function Every X Seconds
static uint32_t Function_Wait = 0UL; // Keep Track Of The Time
if (MILLIS - Function_Wait >= Function_Time) { // Wait For Timeout
Function_Wait = MILLIS; // Keep Track Of The Time
if (runTheCounter) { // If The Counter Is On
strcpy(countUp_Str, countUp1.getCountUp()); // Make The Time String
// Serial Print The Time
Serial.print(F("Run Time 1: "));
// Count Up Function 2
void runTheCountUp2() { // Run The Count Up Function
// Local Variables
MillisCounter countUp2; // Set The Call Name
const uint32_t MILLIS = millis(); // Get The Millis Once Per Run
char countUp_Str[38] = "Empty"; // Local Buffer For The Time String
// Simulate Something Turning On / Off
const uint32_t RunTheTimerForX = 1000UL * 12UL; // Run The Function Every X Seconds
static uint32_t RunTheTimer_Wait = MILLIS; // Keep Track Of The Time
static bool runTheCounter = true; // Start/Stop The Counter
// Simulate Something Turning On / Off
if (MILLIS - RunTheTimer_Wait >= RunTheTimerForX) { // Wait For Timeout
RunTheTimer_Wait = MILLIS; // Keep Track Of The Time
// Stop The Counter < "Like if some light turns off"
if (runTheCounter) { // Counter Is On - Stop The Counter
runTheCounter = false; // Stop The Counter
//runTheCounter = countUp2.isRunning(); // Get And Set The Counter Running Status
Serial.println(F("Counter Was Turned Off.")); // Serial Print
// Start The Counter < "Like if some light turns on"
runTheCounter = true; // Counter Is Off - Start The Counter
// Get And Print The Time
const uint32_t Function_Time = 1000UL; // Run The Function Every X Seconds
static uint32_t Function_Wait = 0UL; // Keep Track Of The Time
if (MILLIS - Function_Wait >= Function_Time) { // Wait For Timeout
Function_Wait = MILLIS; // Keep Track Of The Time
if (runTheCounter) { // If The Counter Is On
strcpy(countUp_Str, countUp2.getCountUp()); // Make The Time String
const uint32_t _tSeconds = countUp2.getTotalSeconds(); // Get The Total Seconds (0-4294967295)
// Serial Print The Time
Serial.print(F("Run Time 2: "));
Serial.print(F("Run Time 2 Total Seconds: "));
// Count Up Function Custom Output String
void runTheCountUp_Custom() { // Run The Count Up Function
// Local Variables
MillisCounter countUpCustom; // Set The Call Name
const uint32_t MILLIS = millis(); // Get The Millis Once Per Run
char countUp_Str[38] = "Empty"; // Local Buffer For The Time String
// Simulate Something Turning On / Off
const uint32_t RunTheTimerForX = 1000UL * 13UL; // Run The Function Every X Seconds
static uint32_t RunTheTimer_Wait = MILLIS; // Keep Track Of The Time
static bool runTheCounter = true; // Start/Stop The Counter
// Simulate Something Turning On / Off
if (MILLIS - RunTheTimer_Wait >= RunTheTimerForX) { // Wait For Timeout
RunTheTimer_Wait = MILLIS; // Keep Track Of The Time
// Stop The Counter < "Like if some light turns off"
if (runTheCounter) { // Counter Is On - Stop The Counter
countUpCustom.reset(); // Reset The Counter
runTheCounter = false; // Stop The Counter
//runTheCounter = countUpCustom.isRunning(); // Get And Set The Counter Running Status
Serial.println(F("Counter Was Turned Off.")); // Serial Print
// Start The Counter < "Like if some light turns on"
runTheCounter = true; // Counter Is Off - Start The Counter
// Get And Print The Time
const uint32_t Function_Time = 1000UL; // Run The Function Every X Seconds
static uint32_t Function_Wait = 0UL; // Keep Track Of The Time
if (MILLIS - Function_Wait >= Function_Time) { // Wait For Timeout
Function_Wait = MILLIS; // Keep Track Of The Time
if (runTheCounter) { // If The Counter Is On
// Call The Count Up Function
countUpCustom.getCountUp(); // Call The Count Up Function
// Variables For The Custom String
const uint8_t _seconds = countUpCustom.getSeconds(); // Get Seconds (0-59)
const uint8_t _minutes = countUpCustom.getMinutes(); // Get Minutes (0-59)
const uint8_t _hours = countUpCustom.getHours(); // Get Hours (0-23)
const uint8_t _days = countUpCustom.getDays(); // Get Days (0-31)
const uint8_t _months = countUpCustom.getMonths(); // Get Months (0-11)
const uint8_t _years = countUpCustom.getYears(); // Get Years (0-136)
const uint16_t _tDays = countUpCustom.getTotalDays(); // Get Total Days (0-49710)
const uint32_t _tSeconds = countUpCustom.getTotalSeconds(); // Get The Total Seconds (0-4294967295)
// Make The Time String
if (_years == 0U) { // Run Time Is Less Than One Year
if (_seconds == 0U && _minutes == 0U && _hours == 0U && _days == 0U && _months == 0U)
sprintf_P(countUp_Str, PSTR("%u.sec"), _seconds);
else if (_minutes == 0U && _hours == 0U && _days == 0U && _months == 0U)
sprintf_P(countUp_Str, PSTR("%u.sec's"), _seconds);
else if (_minutes == 1U && _hours == 0U && _days == 0U && _months == 0U)
sprintf_P(countUp_Str, PSTR("%u.min, %u.sec"), _minutes, _seconds);
else if (_minutes >= 2U && _hours == 0U && _days == 0U && _months == 0U)
sprintf_P(countUp_Str, PSTR("%u.min's, %u.sec"), _minutes, _seconds);
else if (_hours >= 1U && _days == 0U && _months == 0U)
sprintf_P(countUp_Str, PSTR("%u.h, %u.min, %u.sec"), _hours, _minutes, _seconds);
else if (_days == 1U && _months == 0U)
sprintf_P(countUp_Str, PSTR("%u.D, %u.h, %u.min, %u.sec"), _days, _hours, _minutes, _seconds);
else if (_days >= 2U && _months == 0U)
sprintf_P(countUp_Str, PSTR("%u.D's, %u.h, %u.min, %u.sec"), _days, _hours, _minutes, _seconds);
else if (_months >= 1U)
sprintf_P(countUp_Str, PSTR("%u.M, %u.D, %u.h, %u.min, %u.sec"), _months, _days, _hours, _minutes, _seconds);
} else // Run Time Is More Than One Year
sprintf_P(countUp_Str, PSTR("%u.Y, %u.M, %u.D, %u.h, %u.m, %u.sec"), _years, _months, _days, _hours, _minutes, _seconds);
// Serial Print The Time
Serial.print(F("Run Time Custom: "));
Serial.print(F("Run Time. Total Days: "));
Serial.print(F("Run Time. Total Seconds: "));
// End Of File.
and here's what printed in my Serial Monitor:
Sketch Purpose: Millis Counter.
Version: 1.0.0
Counter Bool State: Off.
Run Time 1: 0.milliseconds
Run Time 1: 1.seconds
Run Time 1: 2.seconds
Run Time 1: 3.seconds
Run Time 1: 6.seconds
Run Time 1: 7.seconds
Run Time 1: 10.seconds
Run Time 1: 36.minutes, 14.seconds