How To Pause Timer1

It seems as if Timer1.stop() completely stops execution of the loop() method.
Here is my code portion to try and pause Timer1:

void loop() {
  text =;
  lcd.print(text + " ");
  buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
  if (isStopped == LOW && buttonState == HIGH) {
   isStopped = HIGH;
   digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
  else if (buttonState == HIGH && isStopped == HIGH) {
   isStopped = LOW;
   digitalWrite(13, LOW);

Timer1 is an instance of?

I'm just using the class directly.
I thought Sketch wasn't object oriented?

All I have at the top is this:
#include <TimerOne.h>

I had a look at this example, and they also didn't use instances:

I thought Sketch wasn't object oriented?

Think again.

If it's object oriented, then how come on this page you don't need to create an instance:

And to create objects, is it the same as in Java/C#, as in:
Timer1 timer = new Timer1();

Because I tried it like that but it doesn't work, it said: "Timer1 does not name a type"

If it's object oriented, then how come on this page you don't need to create an instance:

Classes can have static methods. Static methods do not need a class instance to be called for.

Timer1 timer = new Timer1();

By default, the Arduino does not implement the new operator. Even if it did, the new operator returns a pointer. You are not trying to store the pointer in a pointer variable.

it said: "Timer1 does not name a type"

Have you looked at the source code? The class is called TimerOne. The header file declares an instance of that class called Timer1.

It is that instance of the class that you are using, whether you are aware of it, or not.

What does the rest of your code look like? How is the switch you are using wired?