Hi there,
I'm quite new to hardware hacking and am trying to connect my Arduino Uno R3 to my car's OBD port.
I am told the best way to do this is using an ELM327 chip to do the decoding and tap into it.
I have bought a bbfly OBD adapter (importantly I have chosen a non Bluetooth adapter as I want to minimise lag/latency getting data from the car) and gotten it to show live data from my car using ForScan on my laptop.
Now that I have checked everything "outside the hood" is working I want to connect "under the hood" and get data into my Arduino.
The only pin out of the ELM327 I have is attached but I don't know which (if any legs) I should attach to my Arduino. I don't want to damage either component e.g. I am told that the standard RS232 connector is 12V and will damage the Arduino if it's connected to it's series input?
After physically connecting it I assume I need to use a library such as ELMduino?
Has anyone had any success with the route described above?