Hi, jimit here, I have IMU, GPS and magnatometer, I successfully build attitude estimations quaternion using ekf, now I want to build ekf for position estimations, but I have some questions, I am using ned reference frame,
Please correct me if I doing wrong to predict velocity and position.
I have Accel vector x = [ ax, ay, az], gravity vector g= [ 0,0, -9.807] , rotation matrix = R
Velocity = prevVelocity + (x * R + g ) * dt
Position= prevPosition + 0.5 * ( prevVelocity+ Velocity) * dt
My equation are right?
Note that when sensor at rest I get [0.0, 0.0, 9.81] approximately,
My equation are right or wrong.
One last question how to get measurement noise of GPS in ekf? Are they in datasheet ?
Please help me, I am stuck here last 5 days, I ask you because I build multirate ekf, my GPS has 10hz sample time where IMU has 500hz sample time.