I need to control 8 linear actuators(maximum 5 at any one time to be running) and have found the GLA750-P 12V DC Linear Actuator with Position Feedback on the internet.
In order to run the actuators to a positive position my understanding is I would need a motor driver board as per BTS7960B BTN7960 Stepper Motor Driver 43A H-Bridge PWM For Arduino.
My question is am I right in thinking I would need I stepper motor driver per linear actuator?. and if so how would I power each stepper motor driver?.
It's not a stepper motor. The the H-bridge should work but the documentation is "thin". (I'd like to see some wiring examples, and a schematic of the board would be nice too.)
The stall current for the actuator is 5.2A and your 12V power supply (or power supplies) needs to power 5 of them.
and if so how would I power each stepper motor driver?.
Power goes through the H-driver.
The pot for positional feedback requires one analog input.
Thanks for the feedback.
So if I understand the advice I already have a 12v 50a power supply available so I could make a power distribution board which could power all 8 linear actuators?.
There needs to be a 12v feed into each motor driver board.
I then only need to connect a wire from the motor board to the Arduino output?.
I won’t be using a pot but rather coding the linear actuators to set positions, using buttons on a nextion screen.
I had originally intended to use a 16 channel relay board and code the linear actuators by time. But was advised on this board that this would not work hence trying to use the linear actuators with built in potentiometer.