How to power sensors externally?

I am using a Teensy 3.6 and need to read some data. But sensors require more current than recommended output current of Teensy 3.6. So I want to power them externally however, since I am a total newbie, not sure how.

This is the diagram of my circuit.

-Does it have any problems?
-Grounds are common. Does it matter if it is a single point ground or not?
-Should I also connect analog ground (the one under VIN, ANG_GND) to the common ones?
-Do I need a capasitor or any other component? If yes, where?

Note: I know this is an Arduino forum but because I thought this is not completely related to Teensy I decided to ask here.

Thank you in advance.

Generally, a single grounding point is best.
Capacitor to provide a local reservoir local to load. Cap will also act as a low pass filter to minimise the propagation of noise/interference.
Always consider where the current is flowing :slight_smile: both DC and AC.
Hopefully this helps.

Nice Schematic. You may have problems, the voltage specification for the Teensy 3.6, it is 3.6V Minimum on Vin. "It states: VIN – Supply voltage pin when using an external power source (3.6V to 6.0V)". The reason: The usable voltage range for a standard lipo battery cell is 3.2v to 4.2v . Any lower than 3.2v and the battery will probably be permanently damaged. Any higher than 4.2v and you significantly increase the risk of a battery bursting into a fireball. My suggestion is to use a SEPIC converter to power your system or better two batteries with a buck converter. The buck converter is much more efficient than a linear voltage regulator.

But sensors require more current than recommended output current of Teensy 3.6.

Not those sensors. Is there something you aren't telling us?

The Teensy 3.6 can provide 250 mA from its 3.3V output, which is considerably more than the total required by the BNO055 and the Adafruit GPS modules (about 12 and 25 mA respectively). So go ahead and use the 3.3V output.

There are various options for powering the Teensy on batteries, if that is of interest. Discussed here: Power Teensy 3.6 with lipo battery? | Teensy Forum

You are right, thanks. It seems I mistook power restrictions of I/O pins for power supply. I can't believe I made such a mistake

Thank you, I will use a 2S Li-Po with buck converter

Thank you it helps. I'm going to do some research about low pass filters.

The Person Who Never Makes a Mistake Will Never Make Anything

I've often used that quote when I've made a c*ck up! I have made many over my career :wink:

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