How to power two LED strips?


I have two RGB LED strips. With one, I am able to power it, and run different code using the Pololu library, so there's no issue with it working properly with Arduino.

My question is this - instead of soldering the second one to the first, and essentially doubling the length and having ONE led strip, I am wondering if I can use the two independently of eachother.

I have the wall power supply and USB power supply, but am only using the VIN on Arduino to power the LED strips. If I connected the two strips to one breadboard in the following manner, will anything bad happen, or will it work properly? I'm thinking that I won't be getting enough power to the two strips, and need _____ to help facilitate that.

The attachment is my Fritzing sketch.

Essentially, I am powering the two strips via the same "row" on the breadboard, with that row connected to the VIN 'socket' on the Arduino. I have both grounds going to ground, and then each LED Strip will go to pin 12 and the other to pin 13.

Will this work? Have I given enough info. or been clear enough in describing this for you to tell? My instinct is telling me this won't work like I want to - I'll need a transistor/capacitor/something to keep the power even.

I went ahead and tried to see what would happen if I used it like I outlined. One of the RGB LED strips works as expected - the other though stays off. The one that works is the one with its POWER line closer to the VIN power jump. I then tried plugging the VIN power to the 'main' power strip on the breadboard (instead of directly into a row), and then plug the two power lines from the RGB strips into that main power column, but that didn't work - both stayed off.

Does this make sense? Thanks so much for any help or advice!

Look, there are only three things to consider here.

  • Whether the total power consumption of the two NeoPixel strips is within the capability of your power supply and the 1A rated protective diode between the "barrel jack" and the "VIN" terminal. {It probably isn't, unless you have cut one strip into two.}
  • Whether there are any bad connections in your breadboard and jumper wires.
  • Whether each NeoPixel strip on its own will operate with your code from each of the Arduino pins you are using to drive it.