How to prevent Arduino from a 12V imoact?

If my Arduino unit used one piece of wire which possibly touched 12Vdc in some case, how to protect?

Do not mess with connections while power is turned on!

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"impact" ?
Depends on WHICH PIN.
You can test all your inputs and outputs if
it still boots up.
Can you still load a sketch ?

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the 'impact' may not be right word, I mean how to prevent the 5V wire touched 12V. Zener diode ok?

Good plugs, so that wires do not get loose...
Put your thing in a plastic box?

Zener will not help if 12V source can deliver some (>500mA) current.

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Only real protection is a crowbar circuit with a fuse for the 12V when the SCR shorts the 12V
power supply. It's hard to say if the response time would be enough to protect against damage
due to 12V on a 5V circuit. (probably not). When in doubt , try just being careful.



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