I would like to print more numbers after the decimal point. I know how to do that using the normal print command (Serial.print(azFloat, 4); But if i use something like this it prints a 4.
Serial << "azFloat " << (azFloat,4) << " elFloat " << (elFloat,4) << endl;
Anny suggestions?
Provide a link to the library you are using. There is probably a way...
These are the libs i am using:
#include <Wire.h> #include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> #include <Streaming.h>
The Streaming.h file contains a comment:
// Serial << _FLOAT(gps_latitude, 6); // 6 digits of precision
Have you tried this?
It Works
I use this function : dtostrf(floating point number, total length, No of decimals, resultstring);