how to print the data in serial monitor

hello guys,
I'm trying to print my data like line by line
for instance,
speed weight rpm max rpm amps
40 0.500 60 90 0.200

in this way.
thank you guys ,and i do really appreciate it.
this is my coding :

#include "HX711.h" //You must have this library in your arduino library folder
#include <Servo.h>
Servo esc_signal;
#define DOUT 3
#define CLK 2
const int hallSensorPin = 2; // connect the hall effect sensor on pin 2
const unsigned long sampleTime = 1000;
const int maxRPM = 1260; // maximum RPM for LCD Bar
int rpmMaximum = 0;
const int analogIn = A0;
int mVperAmp = 66; // use 100 for 20A Module and 66 for 30A Module
int RawValue= 0;
int ACSoffset = 2500;
double Voltage = 0;
double Amps = 0;

HX711 scale(DOUT, CLK);

//Change this calibration factor as per your load cell once it is found you many need to vary it in thousands
float calibration_factor = -65000; //-106600 worked for my 40Kg max scale setup

void setup() {
Serial.println("Press T to tare");
scale.set_scale(-65000); //Calibration Factor obtained from first sketch
scale.tare(); //Reset the scale to 0
int getRPM()
int count = 0;
boolean countFlag = LOW;
unsigned long currentTime = 0;
unsigned long startTime = millis();
while (currentTime <= sampleTime)
if (digitalRead(hallSensorPin) == HIGH)
countFlag = HIGH;
if (digitalRead(hallSensorPin) == LOW && countFlag == HIGH)
currentTime = millis() - startTime;
int countRpm = int(60000/float(sampleTime))*count;
return countRpm;

void displayRPM(int rpm)

Serial.print("RPM = ");
Serial.print(" MAX RPM = ");

void displayBar(int rpm)
int numOfBars=map(rpm,0,maxRPM,0,15);

if (rpm!=0)
for (int i=0; i<=numOfBars; i++)


void loop() {
int x=40;
//int rpm = getRPM();
// if (rpm > rpmMaximum) rpmMaximum = rpm;

//Change this to kg and re-adjust the calibration factor if you follow lbs
while ((x<60)){

esc_signal.write(x); //Vary this between 40-130 to change the speed of motor. Higher value, higher speed.
Serial.print("speed: ");
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" weight ");
Serial.print(scale.get_units(), 3); //Up to 3 decimal points
Serial.println(" kg");
int rpm = getRPM();
if (rpm > rpmMaximum) rpmMaximum = rpm;
delay (1000);
RawValue = analogRead(analogIn);
Voltage = (RawValue / 1024.0) * 5000; // Gets you mV
Amps = ((Voltage - ACSoffset) / mVperAmp);

Serial.print("Raw Value = " ); // shows pre-scaled value
Serial.print("\t mV = "); // shows the voltage measured
Serial.print(Voltage,3); // the '3' after voltage allows you to display 3 digits after decimal point
Serial.print("\t Amps = "); // shows the voltage measured
Serial.println(Amps,3); // the '3' after voltage allows you to display 3 digits after decimal point
Serial.print("Weight== ");
Serial.print(scale.get_units(), 3); //Up to 3 decimal points
Serial.println(" kg");
delay (50);

char temp =;
if(temp == 't' || temp == 'T')
scale.tare(); //Reset the scale to zero
Serial.print("Weight: ");
Serial.print(scale.get_units(), 3); //Up to 3 decimal points
Serial.println(" kg");
Serial.println(" ");



Please use code tags, by

  1. MODIFY your post
  2. before your code write [ code ] witchout the spaces
  3. at the and of your code write [ / code ] witchout the spaces
    After I think that using the Serial monitor like this is very complicated. In the easyest way (thinking that the font is static waigth (the m is not bigger than a i) you have to:
    Create the first line (witch names)
    For every variable:
    Calvolate the sign that have to be used
    calcolate the size of the number
    Print the number
    Witch a for cycle print enougth ' ' to fix the gaps

Please use code tags, by

  1. MODIFY your post
  2. before your code write [ code ] witchout the spaces
  3. at the and of your code write [ / code ] witchout the spaces
    After I think that using the Serial monitor like this is very complicated. In the easyest way (thinking that the font is static waigth (the m is not bigger than a i) you have to:
    Create the first line (witch names)
    For every variable:
    Calvolate the sign that have to be used
    calcolate the size of the number
    Print the number
    Witch a for cycle print enougth ' ' to fix the gaps

@Silente: you need to turn off the scrambler circuit.

I'm sorry, but so what the OP wants? I understood that he wants display variables like this

size    distance      pressure
15       1234            47

Please use code tags, by

  1. MODIFY your post
  2. before your code write [ code ] witchout the spaces
  3. at the and of your code write [ / code ] witchout the spaces
    After I think that using the Serial monitor like this is very complicated. In the easyest way (thinking that the font is static waigth (the m is not bigger than a i) you have to:
    Create the first line (witch names)
    For every variable:
    Calvolate the sign that have to be used
    calcolate the size of the number
    Print the number
    Witch a for cycle print enougth ' ' to fix the gaps

sorry this is my first time here, so i dont know how the thing are going here.

sorry this is my first time here, so i dont know how the thing are going here.

You should start by reading How to use the Forum

Then to make it easy for people to help you please modify your post and use the code button </>

so your code looks like this

and is easy to copy to a text editor.

Your code is too long for me to study quickly without copying to a text editor.

Also please use the AutoFormat tool to indent your code for easier reading - it will help you as well as us.

You can use tabs to space the printed output - the tab character is '\t' - like this



Perhaps and example might help

byte x;
byte y;
byte z;

void setup()
  Serial.print("x");    //print the heading
  Serial.print("\t"); //tab
  Serial.println(); //newline between heading and data lines
  for (int c = 0; c < 8; c++)
    x = random(0, 256);
    y = random(0, 256);
    z = random(0, 256);
    Serial.print("\t"); //tab
    Serial.println(); //newline between data lines

void loop()

Output :

x y z
167 241 217
42 130 200
216 254 67
77 152 85
140 226 179
71 23 17
152 84 47
17 45 5

If you want the numbers to be right justified or decimal point justified then more work is needed but the principle is the same.

I'm sorry, but so what the OP wants?

I believe @AWOL was trying to make the point that you have so many spelling mistakes in your text that it is virtually unreadable and would be very confusing for a beginner who might not recognize the mistakes.

I always (I hope) proof read my Posts after posting them and make any necessary corrections.
