Hi, I'm new to this forum and I bought an Arduino UNO board to schedule a job you have asked me in school. The job is to build an intelligent parking with a servo, display indicating number of places ... The truth is that I have never programmed and I wish someone would cast forth my hand and I explain how you can program or I can start my work.
Thank you!
First you need Arduino software, which I assume you have installed as you found this website.
There is plenty of beginners guides out there if you search. I have found plenty of useful information here.
Thank you very much for the information, the morning I look, even if I block and will ask for help. Thank you!
Hello Gabriel_swe, I've been watching the page you sent me yesterday and it has not helped me anything because the tutorials have been eliminated and the explanation of what makes the base program and that program. Could you explain me the basics of Arduino programming to program?
Thank you!
There's a whole load of worked examples included in the Arduino IDE.
I know that there are many examples but what I want is to learn programming to program myself and go faster programming
So, take some of the examples, and make them do different things, like:
Take the blink without delay example and make the "on" time shorter than the "off" time.
Take a fade example and the blink without delay example, and make the LED on pin 13 fade up and down.
Merge a switch example and the blink without delay example, and only make the the LED blink when you press the switch .
And so on
Thanks, but I want to know the theory and then putting into practice such as a servo program through two switches, things like that
At the risk of almost repeating myself, take one of the servo examples from the IDE and modify it to control two servos, then merge that with one of the switch tutorials..
The truth is that I have never programmed and I wish someone would cast forth my hand and I explain how you can program or I can start my work.
Work through some tutorials. This isn't the place to explain the basics. Google "program in C++" perhaps, or even "program in C".
Hello, I bought an Arduino UNO and I would like to schedule a servo through two buttons, you can help me?
Thank you
What have you tried so far? There are servo examples with various servo libraries. Try searching for some.
Maybe have a look at Planning and Implementing a Program - although it was not written for complete beginners.
There are many many tutorials on the internet if you just want to learn the basics of C/C++ programming.