How to program the turn-off time of a Led strip?

Hello, I am working on a code and was told that the led lights would turn on and motor 1 would turn off, they would last only 5 seconds and the lights would turn off and then start a motor.

I already have the engine code and it works, but after the lights come on in time, I can't turn it off after 5 seconds. There are 6 lines of LED strips of 4 lights each, if anyone can help.
Here is the code for the led strips:

Your code doesn't compile.

Please remember to use code tags when posting code.

Also, try here

Where is the rest of the code and the Schematic, not a frizzy picture.

I´m sorry

It might if you performed a "show" as well?

I do not know this library or hardware but you state: ";" I assume that turns it on but nothing i see turns it off. At this point I think that is your problem it is possible "strip.clear();" will turn it off? Comments also help a lot.

Yes, but you also have to show the cleared strip. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Please don´t cross post.

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