I need to use a larger MCU then is ATmega328P on my Arduino Uno (ATmega1280 or 1281 proberly), but I am a beginner with a MCU programing and I want to be sure with this.
So, to programing ATm1280 by Arduino Uno I will connect SCK - slave reset on Arduino pins 13 - 10 to their´s pins on 1280 (with 16MHz ext. osc.), in the Arduino IDE I will choose Burn Bootloader - Arduino as ISP and upload ArduinoISP program. Than I´ll reconnect 1280 to Arduino serial link and after "Arduino mega (Atmega1280)" will be choosen as a board in in Arduino IDE I can programing it through Wiring and Arduino Uno board.
But ATm1281 I will have to programing through AVR Studion for a example.
Is that correct?
first youll need to make a board for your atmega 1280/1281 since it doesn't have a dip breadboard friendly version - buying the arduino mega pcb would be the best thing since the board has all the footprints to get the atmega working + a ICSP header
if your going to program the atmega via avr studio i dont think youll need the bootloader because all the programming will be done via the ICSP programmer
i also suggest that you get a dedicated programmer if you want to use avr studio - arduino as isp its a quick solution but not sure if it was intended to be used as a dedicated programmer
I will use my own footprint with ATmega1280/1281, but I wanna try Arduino as a ICSP before buying dedicated AVR ISCP programmer.
On it´s board are two ICSP pins. The one close to ATmega328P is assembled with a header, but the ICSP pins close to ATmega8U2 are not assembled (no header there).
I not sure which one connect with ATmega1280/1281´s ISCP.
Arduino IDE support ATmega1280 programing (the used to have it on the Arduino Mega board I think), so I hope to will be able programing 1280 on a footprint with Arduino language.
Ok, I understand now a little bit more about it (I hope to), so let´s end it.
If I want to upload a program to a ATmega1280 on a my own PCB through Arduino using its language(Wiring), all what have to be done its connect ATmega1280 ICSP pins with a ICSP header on the Arduino board.
Than I´ll sets Arduino IDE.
If I want to programing ATmega1280 via a serial link, it have to been uploaded a bootloader through ICSP at first.
If I want to programing a MCU which is not included in the Arduino board menu (ATmega1281 for an example) through Arduino ICSP, it have to been done with a hacked AVR Studion via C language.
If I want to upload a program to a ATmega1280 on a my own PCB through Arduino using its language(Wiring), all what have to be done its connect ATmega1280 ICSP pins with a ICSP header on the Arduino board.
Not quite. Pins 1-4 and 6 of the ICSP header on your board should be connected to the corresponding pins on the ICSP header on the Arduino, but pin 5 on your board (Reset) has to be connected to pin 10 of the Arduino that you are using as a programmer.
2) If I want to programing ATmega1280 via a serial link, it have to been uploaded a bootloader through ICSP at first.
3) If I want to programing a MCU which is not included in the Arduino board menu (ATmega1281 for an example) through Arduino ICSP, it have to been done with a hacked AVR Studion via C language.
Alternatively, create a new entry in boards.txt and add any extra conditional code needed in the core library to account for the differences between the 1281 and the 1280.
Thanks to dc42 and putyn.
I have looked at arduino source code a find, that C Source File included support for 1281, 2561 a order AVR MCUs, but I dont know how make it works, so I let it be for a while.
In a meanwhile I have made a atmega324P programing option to arduino through sanguino (maybe wrong...probable). Here is a screen: ImageShack - Best place for all of your image hosting and image sharing needs
Why isnt sanguino option showed I dont know, and I am wondering if I can use a default sanguino settings (using atmgea644p) for a atmega324p if I wont be over 32kB of flash memory.