Hey everyone, can someone create a panic button by using the arduino? Via Button there should blink a led and a siren goes on.
Lots of people would manage. The most common obstacle is a badly written code for the rest of the controller work.
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That's relatively simple:
First you need to hook up a button, your panic button
Read: https://www.arduino.cc/en/tutorial/pushbutton
Your main loop will simply check the button to see if it has been pressed. If it has you'll enter the panic loop. In that loop you can blink an led and play a siren sound forever or until the unit is powered down.
Then you need to hook up an LED
Read: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/BuiltInExamples/Blink
And you'll need a siren
Read: Arduino siren sound generator code
Your next post should be to show off your awesome panic button or to ask for help with a specific issue that you are having.
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