How to programme 2 hardware to run at the same time

The code below shows a 'if' statement which consist of 2 functions: running 2 motors and blinking an LED.

if (UGVSelect == 1 && UGVAction == 's')
    motorL->run(FORWARD);      // turn it on going forward

     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(LED, LOW);

Now, my code is has 2 different hardware running on seperate timings, which means that the motors will run with a delay of 1000 first. Afterwhich, the LED will then blink in the for loop.

How do i programme both the motor and LED codes to be executed at the same time? i.e. i want the motors to run and at the same time, i want the LED to blink.

i want the motors to run and at the same time, i want the LED to blink.

Use millis() for timing as in the BlinkWithoutDelay example and Several things at the same time