How to read multiple data n Xbee

my program is about to display data wireless. i have configure both of my xbee. my problem is, at the receiver part does not display same as the display at the receiver. i used 3 sensors. at the transmitter part, the serial monitor able to display the data like i wanted. but at the receiver the display in other form. please help me.

`` at the transmitter

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial ss(2, 3); //(RX,TX)

#define trigPinL 8
#define echoPinL 7
#define IR 6

int MODE = 0;
int SensorPosition = 50; //set sensor position level to 50cm
float OilLevel = 0;
String LCDstatus = "NORMAL";
int Sens1;
float Temp;
int RPM;
int Sens1Pin = 1;
int RpmBeatCount=0;
int RpmCountDown=2000;
int sensor[3];

void setup() {

Serial.begin (9600);
pinMode(trigPinL, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPinL, INPUT);
pinMode(IR, INPUT);


void loop() {
Sens1 = analogRead(Sens1Pin); //read the value from the sensor
Sens1 = (5.0 * Sens1 * 100.0)/1024.0; //convert the analog data to temperature // this part do at receiver
Sens1 = (Sens1/10) + 10;

long durationL, distanceL, durationH, distanceH, MixDist;
float Feet;

digitalWrite(trigPinL, LOW); // Added this line
delayMicroseconds(2); // Added this line
digitalWrite(trigPinL, HIGH);
delayMicroseconds(10); // Added this line
digitalWrite(trigPinL, LOW);

durationL = pulseIn(echoPinL, HIGH);
distanceL = (durationL/2) / 29.1; //this part and below do at recever
// Feet = distanceL* 0.032808; //Convert CM to feet
OilLevel = SensorPosition - distanceL;
OilLevel = OilLevel/50 * 100;

while(RpmCountDown > 1){
if (digitalRead(IR) == 0){
RpmBeatCount = RpmBeatCount + 1;
while (digitalRead(IR) == 0){
RpmCountDown = RpmCountDown - 1;
if (RpmCountDown == 1000){

// Serial.print(RPM);


RPM = RpmBeatCount;
RpmBeatCount = 0;
RpmCountDown = 2000;

// Serial.print("Data Read,");
Serial.print(" oil level =");
Serial.print(" temperature =");
Serial.print(" speed =");


`` at the receiver

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
//int RPM = 0;// for incoming serial data
//int Sens1 = 0;
//int OilLevel = 0;
char inbyte = 0;

void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); //opens serial port, sets data rate to 9600 bps

void loop (){

//send data only when u receive data
if(Serial.available()>0) {

//read the incomingByte
inbyte =;

//say what you got
Serial.print(" data receive = ");
Serial.print( inbyte );


XbeeDragRacing.ino (2.03 KB)

at transmitter display

At the receiver display.

i have configure both of my xbee.

But, I'm not going to tell you how, or what kind they are or how they are attached to the Arduino.

If you are trying to use the hardware serial port to talk to the XBee AND to the PC, you can expect problems.

Does sending "oil level" convey any more information that "o:"?
Does sending "temperature" convey any more information than "t:"?
Does sending "speed" convey any more information than "s:"?

Does sending "oil level", "temperature", and "speed" take longer than sending "o:", "t:", and "s:"? You better believe it does.

I have edit my code at transmitter part, and i only send the sensor value. no "temperature", or "oillevel" or "speed" words. then now, at the receiver it receive the data in serial. and now i want to use the data at the receiver part to send it to android via arduino bluetooth. may you help me.? please

may you help me.?

How is the bluetooth device connected to the Arduino? Is it paired with the phone? What kind of bluetooth device is it?

the bluetooth device will connected to receiver arduino. and i planned to use pin 10 and 11 as tx and rx on the arduino to connect with the rx and tx on the arduino bluetooth device. i dont know how to pair with the phone and what coding needed to send the data via the bluetooth and dont connect the bluetooth device with the arduino yet. i have no idea