How to read negative temperature with LM35?

Hi Guys,

I checked out everywhere, but there is not a single site which tells how to read negative temperatures(temperatures below 0 C) from lm35..


You read it the same way as any other temperature. You have to use the formula in the datasheet to calculate the temp from the voltage.

Btw, I am assuming you are trying to read deg F or C and not K.

I think the problem is that negative temperatures produce negative voltages.

Hi Sanjay,
Maybe this old forum can help you out

I guess that it would be necessary to connect the LM35 earth to a known voltage above the Arduino's earth, and then subtract that offset from the reading to get a signed temperature.

Actually the datasheet has the circuit for the full range reading on the bottom of page 2. Google LM35 temperature sensor datasheet.