How to read realtime speed from EV cars?

Few months ago, I was able to read CAN bus (speed/rpm, fuel level,...etc) of cars with combustion engine using arduino and MCP2515. Now, I would like to do the same thing with EV cars. I am still searching how to do that as EV cars don't have CAN bus (??). Until now I can't find anything :frowning:
Any idea or advice is appreciated.


I just googled

 tesla can bus obd

so now you explain what you mean by EV cars don’t have can bus.

Provide a link to support you assertion which it looks like you pose as a question.


Example on Tesla

Thank you all for correcting my understanding. I will rent an EV car for one day and check if my OBD2 setup will work on it.

Surely you know an owner of one? I am thinking of all the beer money you could save!

My Volt has two OBD2 ports. One for the internal engine and various sensors around it, and the other specifically for the battery systems.

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