hy all.
my name is Irfan. I am from Indonesia.
I want to display multiple sensor (lm35) value in VB.6
distance PC with arduino about 100-150 meters
can you help me how to do it?
sorry if my english is not good
hy all.
my name is Irfan. I am from Indonesia.
I want to display multiple sensor (lm35) value in VB.6
distance PC with arduino about 100-150 meters
can you help me how to do it?
sorry if my english is not good
At that distance, a pair of wireless modules is cheaper than the length of wire. Is there anything special which would make wireless easier or harder in your specific application? Do you have power at your remote location or how often can you get there to change the batteries? ('No' and 'Once per year' are good answers here.)
Are all of the LM35 sensors near each other or are they 100m apart as well as being 100m away from the PC? How many do you want to start with and how many would be the maximum for this system?
Does it have to be LM35? That's a pretty old sensor and there's better sensors for different purposes now.
You will probably need an Arduino with a wireless module connected to your PC and another wireless module connected to the Arduino that reads the sensors.
433MHz wireless will have a longer range than 2.4GHz wireless.