I've seen that some of the people in the movie, they made a device that could receive random messages from other device.
I knew that NRF24L01 may send/receive with other NRF24L01 while sharing the same pipe address,
But what if I want it to receive random message without the pipe address?
Which movie?
With the NRF24L01, you cannot receive anything when there's no address. The chip doesn't even turn on the main receiver unless it detects a valid address.
If you are able to spend time in the vicinity of the target network, then you could cycle through all available addresses until you start getting data. Or use a different radio to copy all data, including noise.
I just forgot what it called.
Oh right, unless it detects a valid address.
You are right, I may need to make it cycle through all available addresses
I must at least detect an NRF at the surrounding
Do you have any idea for it to cycle through the available addresses?
then you could cycle through all available addresses until you start getting data.
There are 2555 possible addresses - how long do you have?
And, for any address the messages might only be broadcast infrequently. How long should one listen on any one address before giving up?