How to replay the human voice

I'm trying to create some walkie-talkies for me and my friend, but I need to know the best notes to replay the human voice with.

Use an audio amplifier for the speaker.

How do you plan to transmit voice signals?

Just connect the output of the 'walkie talkie' to an audio amplifier and then to a speaker.

What has this to to with Arduinos ?

Building radio transmitters call for a licence in most countries. Have You checked that You're allowed to do this? Forum doesn't support violating regulations.

I was going to use a simple wifi algorithm.

I'm not actually going to use radio signals, but I am going to use a simple algorithm.

WiFi is radio.

That's true.

Sorry, I worded that badly. What notes are best for replaying the human voice?

That is the same nonsensical question as before.

Notes are not used to "replay human voice".

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