How to run a Waveshare 1.5" OLED in I2P-Mode?

what do I need to do to use the Waveshare 1.5” 128x128 ssd1327 OLED in I2P Mode with my Wemos D1 ESP8266?

WS Desplay

I do not understand the Waveshare Wiki of the Display. My english and technical knowlege is not good enough and the wiki is probably about a older version of the Display (no BS2).

Do I have do some solding in regard to BS1?

Which libary to use?

Kind regards

Looking at the Wiki

the photo shows that the pcb is configured for 4-wire SPI.

if you want to use I2C you would need to unsolder the 0R resistor and move it to the BS=1 position.

The display should work fine with either interface. Your Wemos board has enough pins.

There are several libraries that will drive your gray-scale display in monochrome mode e.g. U8g2

Your ESP8266 has plenty of SRAM memory to drive a proper gray-scale but I don't think there are many "popular" libraries to support gray-scale.


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