how to run arduin ide and processing without code display?

i would like to run my arduino uno with the serial reading using RF transceivers and multiple arduinos communicating through serial to each other then 1 master arduin polling all the other arduinos for the data and this master arudino....

my question: How can I run my arduino IDE/processing IDE that displays a gui without showing my code??? i would like to just have some sort of screen that runs the program but I dont want code showing which is what happens when i run my code on my laptop....

my question: How can I run my arduino IDE/processing IDE that displays a gui without showing my code??? i would like to just have some sort of screen that runs the program but I dont want code showing which is what happens when i run my code on my laptop....

You only use the Arduino IDE for creating and uploading your sketch. If you want the sketch to interact with something on the PC afterwards, for example to have some sort of user interface, the most obvious way is to write a Processing application to run on the PC.


my question: How can I run my arduino IDE/processing IDE that displays a gui without showing my code??? i would like to just have some sort of screen that runs the program but I dont want code showing which is what happens when i run my code on my laptop....

You only use the Arduino IDE for creating and uploading your sketch. If you want the sketch to interact with something on the PC afterwards, for example to have some sort of user interface, the most obvious way is to write a Processing application to run on the PC.

OOOOOOO so i guess to read serial etc i dont need the arudino ide i can close it once i upload the code them...but i thought i needed the arduino ide to pass serial to processing ide from the arduino hardware....i guess i learned something new!